Research articles

Endocrine and Non-Endocrine Consequences in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Mudra H KANSARA, Mandava V RAO, Himanshu BAVISHI

1-5 |

Effects of Lambda cyhalothrin on some electrolytes and metabolites in organs of Parpohiocephalus obscurus

Iniobong Reuben INYANG, Sylvester Chibueze IZAH, Daniel Tekena JOHNSON, Ogaga-Oghene Arthur EJOMARIE

6-10 |

Assessment of some selected heavy metals and their pollution indices in an oil spill contaminated soil in the Niger Delta: a case of Rumuolukwu community

Ayobami Omozemoje AIGBERUA, Allen Tobin EKUBO, Azibaola Kesiye INENGITE, Sylvester Chibueze IZAH

11-19 |

Assessment of Water quality from Sagbama Creek, Niger Delta, Nigeria

Enetimi Idah SEIYABOH, Sylvester Chibueze IZAH, Solomon OWEIBI

20-24 |

Physico-chemical Characteristics of Sediment from Sagbama Creek, Nigeria

Enetimi Idah SEIYABOH, Sylvester Chibueze IZAH, Solomon OWEIBI

25-28 |

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