Biotechnological Research (ISSN 2395-6763) is an open access international peer reviewed journal. The Journal publishes quarterly (4 times an year) innovative research findings from applied biology fields. Main areas journal focuses:

- Classical Biotechnology which includes the production of animal, plant and microbial bio-products, production optimization and their applications.

- Environmental Biotechnology which includes bio remediation, waste management, pollutants, hazards and their remedies.

- Medical Biotechnology dealing with diseases and their solutions using biotechnological tools, current developments in medical diagnostics like innovative ideas, techniques, instruments and so on.

- Bioinformatics which use of bioinformatics tools in drug designing, prediction of protein structures, development of new algorithms for innovative tools, databases etc.

- Plant Biotechnology: latest developments from plant biology including plant tissue culture, stress resistance, hybridization, improvement of crop variety, genetic variation studies and so on.

- New Biology including advanced molecular biology, genetic engineering and latest technologies which could be revolutionary in the future.

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