Become editor

Become an editor of Biotechnological Research

We would like to invite scientists to join the editorial team of Biotechnological Research for the period 2021-2023.

Please fill the application form below:



Main Tasks of Editors and EB members

- General advocacy for publishing high-quality work and acquiring authors

- Strategic and operational advice (unsolicited, as well as in editorial board meetings)

- Guiding papers as section editor in the editorial board member’s area of expertise through the peer-review process and communicating with authors


For most journals published by Biomedpress Publications, we are continuously accepting applications from senior scientists to join the editorial board and/or to act as section editors and/or Editor-in-Chief applications. Generally, for most journals you should hold a PhD, MD or engineering degree, or similar higher degree and have a publication track record.

To apply as guest editor for a theme issue, see How to propose a theme issue.

General Resources for editors / EB members

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