
The average availability of oils and fats per capita per annum is 3.8 kg against the requirement of 11 kg in Bangladesh. It is
essen�al to exploita�on of gene�c diversity for increasing oilseeds produc�on. In this study 25 mustard genotypes are
subjected for variability, character associa�on and gene�c divergence experiment in field, during November to March.
Randomized complete block design with three replica�ons was followed for the study. The traits plant height, number of pods
and pod length showed high heritability coupled with high gene�c advance as percentage of mean. Correla�on coefficient
study indicated that plant height, number of primary branch and number of pods were posi�vely and significantly correlated
with seed yield. Path coefficient study show that number of pods, pod length and number of seed contributed maximum to
seed yield in posi�ve direc�on. The gene�c divergence assessed through D2-sta�s�cs. The genotypes were grouped into four
clusters for yield and yield contribu�ng traits. Significant differences were found among the genotypes for all the traits, where
Rai-5 produced high seed yield which was the tallest one and BARI-12 was the earliest in maturity.


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