
Chikungunya (CHIK) fever is caused by a CHIK virus and was analyzed in 757 referral cases in post-monsoon of 2016 at our Supratech-Micropath Research Laboratory. The temperature during this season ranges from 20 – 40˚C and is favorable for mosquito breed. The patients were asked to fill consent forms after which blood samples were taken to detect seropositivity of the virus by Real Time – PCR. It was first confirmed by preliminary symptoms like sudden onset of fever, headache, severe muscle pain, nausea, fatigue and rashes as per clinician reports. The percentile detected cases were 36.7% in six month referral cases (278/757). As per our RT-PCR reports, maximum percent patients (35.2%) were detected in October, November and December, 2016. Males were affected maximum (55%) in this post monsoon season (148/267). Additionally, these cases were correlated with low lymphocyte counts and altered aspirate aminotransferase (AST) in the serum affecting immune function and fast cardiac rate in our study. This fever also increased with age in this academic year. Hence, it is suggestive that this season is a period for such diseases and hygienic conditions like mosquito eradication, clean environment and other conditions are to be controlled by Health Departments in Ahmedabad city.


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