
Microorganism play important role in the fermentation of foods. Nigeria has several fermentable foods produced from several feedstocks including cereals, legumes, palm tree, tuber (plants) and proteinaceous‟ animal foods. This study reviews the microbial quality in the fermentation of ogi, a Nigerian indigenous maize food drink, the constraints in the preparation and available options in overcoming the hurdles. The study found that the microbial density are mainly aerobic bacterial forms and lactic acid bacteria and to lesser extent fungi (mould and yeasts) and the Enterobacteriaceae family. Of all the several microbial diversity found in the fermentation medium of maize ogi, Lactobacillus species and Saccharomyces cerevisiae are the predominant isolates. The constraints in the fermentation of maize for ogi production are mainly microbiological, absence of quality control, nutritional quality and toxicological problem, storage and environmental factors. The study concluded by suggesting the means of controlling the constraints as options for mitigation.


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