
Zobo is a nutritional drink widely accepted by different socio-economic class of people, age and sex in several parts of Nigeria especially in the Northern region and some neighboring West African countries. Zobo is produced from dried calyces of Hibiscus sabdariffa, which is a tropical and semi-tropical annual herb. The short shelf-life span of Zobo drink reduced its health sustainability. This is due to nutritional deterioration caused by spoilage microorganisms in the drink which could cause disease condition when ingested. Several natural preservatives/ spices such as garlic, ginger, mixture of garlic and ginger have been widely used for the production of Zobo drink. This paper reviews advances in the past decade in the preservation of zobo. The preparation of Zobo with long shelf life is a challenging exercise. The review indicated that the use of natural spices such as nutmeg, clove, cinnamon, kola nut, lime and pepper fruit etc in addition to the already existing garlic and ginger as preservatives at moderate concentration could reduce the density and diversity of spoilage microbes of local drink. We conclude by suggesting research on the carbonation of the drink after preparation.


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